La semaine dernière se tenait à Barcelone le Personal Democracy Forum Europe, pendant deux jours intenses de discussion autour de l'avenir de la démocratie ! Vous pouvez retrouver, en version audio, toutes les présentations, classées par date : day one, et day two (voir aussi à la fin de ce post)
Scott Heiferman at Personal Democracy Forum Europe
Main Hall | Breakout A | Breakout B | |
0830 - 0930 | Registration & Coffee | ||
0930 - 1000 | Welcoming Remarks with Andrew Rasiej, Micah L. Sifry, Marc Lopez and Mayor Jordi Hereu | ||
1000 - 1045 | Keynote conversation: Charlie Leadbeater on Cloud Culture: How Cloud Computing Will Change Culture and Politics | ||
1045 - 1100 | Keynote: Mapping the Eurosphere with Anthony Hamelle | ||
1100 - 1130 | Coffee Break | Coffee Break | Coffee Break |
1130 - 1145 | Keynote: How Obama Won with Joe Rospars | ||
1145 - 1245 | Learning from Obama with Joe Rospars, Kate Albright-Hanna, Benoit Thieulin, Dominique Piotet, and Diego Beas (moderator) | ||
1245 - 1400 | Networking Lunch | ||
1400 - 1415 | Transition | Transition | Transition |
1415 - 1530 | How Political Parties are Reinventing Their Relationship with the Public Sindre Fossum Beyer, Anna Ebbesen, Ghislaine Robinson, Rishi Saha, and Antoni Gutierrez Rubi (moderator) | How Blogs are Transforming Politics John Aravosis, Heidi Nordby Lunde, Mick Fealty, Nicolas Vanbremeersch and Antonella Napolitano (moderator) | Making the Most of Online Video to Promote Your Cause, Party or Candidate Kate Albright-Hanna, Tom Pursey, Diego Bianchi and Nancy Scola (moderator) |
1530 - 1615 | Coffee Break | Coffee Break | Coffee Break |
1615 - 1730 | How the Internet is Changing Politicians Marietje Schaake, Tom Watson, Ernest Benach, Tim Hood and Bente Kalsnes (moderator) | The New Power of Organising Individuals into Mass Membership E-Groups Ilyse Hogue, Paul Hilder, Matthew McGregor and Micah Sifry (moderator) | Using Social Networks and Twitter to Promote Your Cause, Party or Candidate David All, Amanda Rose, Richard Allan, Ravi Singh and Andrew Rasiej (moderator) |
1730 - 1745 | Transition | Transition | Transition |
1745 - 1900 | Plenary on Crossnational Collaboration: Case Studies and Lessons for the Future with Markus Beckedahl, Jeremie Zimmerman, Paul Hilder, Jack Thurston, and Javier Cremades with Micah Sifry (moderator) | ||
1900 - 2030 | Cocktail Party |
Intégralité du programme day 2
Main Hall | Breakout A | Breakout B | |
0830 - 0930 | Networking Breakfast | ||
0930 - 1000 | Welcoming Remarks with Andrew Rasiej & Marc Lopez | ||
1000 - 1105 | Three Keynotes and a Conversation on Reinventing Government, the Power of Networks and the Transparency Moment Tom Steinberg, Scott Heiferman and Ellen Miller | ||
1105 - 1125 | Keynote: Mobile Platforms for Change Katrin Verclas | ||
1125 - 1145 | Coffee Break | Coffee Break | Coffee Break |
1145 - 1245 | The Internet and Europe: Can We Connect the Continent? Mick Fealty, Susan Pointer, Jeremie Zimmerman, Rolf Luehrs, and Rafa Rubio (moderator) | ||
1245 - 1400 | Networking Lunch Plus Optional Session on The Internet and Politics in Spain, from 1:15-2:15pm in the Main Hall with Francisco Polo, Francisco Javier Gimenez, Francois Derbaix, Hector Perez, Charo García, José María Pérez and Ricard Espelt, with Rafa Rubio (moderator) | ||
1400 - 1415 | Transition | Transition | Transition |
1415 - 1530 | Transparency and Participation: Changing the Equation Daniel Schmitt, Jack Thurston, Jose M. Alonso, Felipe Heusser, Grigorii Shvedov, and Marta Continente (moderator) | Can Social Media Create a European Union? David Osimo, Stephen Clark, Mick Fealty, Andreas Mullerleile, and Jon Worth (moderator) | Policy Debate: How to Achieve Internet for All David Cierco, Susan Pointer, Bruno Vilarasau, Pilar Conesa and Nancy Scola (moderator) |
1530 - 1615 | Coffee Break | Coffee Break | Coffee Break |
1615 - 1730 | Adapting and Thriving in the New Media Environment Antonio Sofi, Vincent Ducrey, Liz Mair, Clo Willaerts and Astrid Haug (moderator) | and E-govt: Collaboration or Conflict? Dominic Campbell, Matthew Fraser, Tiago Peixoto, Alberto Cottica, and Steve Moore (moderator) | Fine-Tuning Your Web Strategy to Promote Your Cause, Party or Candidate Matthew McGregor, Oliver Zeisberger, Marc Vidal, Matt Scofield and Diego Beas (moderator) |
1730 - 1745 | Transition | Transition | Transition |
1745 - 1900 | Final plenary with Julian Assange, Chris Ward, Esther Dyson, Tom Watson, Andrew Rasiej |